Learning Ally CampaigN: 1 out of 5 campaign for those with dyslexia. CAMPAIGN INCLUDES BRANDING AND MARKETING MATERIAL

My Role: As Art Director I worked directly with the Creative Director to establish a campaign that visually got the point across with a concept of 1 in 5. The concept is 1 in 5 people are diagnosed with dyslexia a day. Using various stock photography the intent was to use kids faces as a way to grab audience in captivating methods.
Additionally worked on a storyboard for a commercial using famous people that had or has dyslexia with text - the intent here is to let the audience know although it is a hidden disease it is very common to have and its very common that many of the most successful people have or had it.

Story Board for Commercial Advertisement.

LoopR Nation: Start up concept. Context of a caddy world
Initiative to sell concept to caddys and golfers in the east coast. Material includes branding and marketing materials.

Plastic Place: Start Up needed a website campaign